The creation as a form of pure self expression without considering any acceptance value could be art but not design. Design not only depends on its acceptance value but its existence itself has a common need as a backbone. Design always comes with constraints and when it has aim to cater some information other than mere entertainment it has more responsibility.
When I started with this project I already fixed my medium as stop motion as I want to explore this area of animation. Animation and films are mainly mediums of story telling. For any story, it is emotions which enthrall a viewer. Our life is like an one act play and at the end of it we acquire maximum acting skills. It doesn’t matter if an audience exists or not, there is that one who will watch it till the end....... Death! But sometimes we can see it in front of us waiting with a cold look. Then psychology starts playing its ultimate game. Social death is the worst.
किसिको जब आते जाते दुत्कारा जाताअ है, वो मरसा जाता है ।
फ़िर जान जाने में देर नही लगती ।
(मलिका, अम्रुता प्रीतम की लघुकथासे)
After all these folds and unfolds I entered into this exhibition of all blacks and grays with bright red splashes like wounds of darkness.- AIDS.
It is not an untouched area. Many people and organizations are working on this. I just want to weave it into a few stories happening around us. Simple straight forward information is easy to understand and easy to forget. When it is given in some interesting form, it makes people think and therefore, to remember.
It can be a single story long enough to create emotional waves. But as this issue has different facets it is nearly impossible to cover all information in one story. This is the reason I am proposing a series of stories.
These short stories can be moulded in the form of short films or episodes in real action video. Then why Stop motion?
First reason is I want to explore this technique. But independent of my preference it also gives a viewer the scope to think in between. Video guides you till the end unless it is very long and low paced film. In contrast, stop motion only suggests the action and expects the viewer to imagine the rest.
‘आहत’ means the indication of somebody coming but you can not see them. Someone who is injured is also called Aahat. It also means getting struck like in a percussion instrument sound get created by Aahat. My stories are like a music which created by Aahat on a percussion instrument.
Music created by silence and not sound.
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